Sunday, April 26, 2009

Consumer behavior

Thank you hw #8

so, after viewing the blogger example, i no longer need to deal with the horrendous wait and i can just insert the page details, or whatever, i wish i had looked at this earlier..

Pepto Bismol using cartoon to advertise

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My style of commercial

now isnt what i wanted...
every time..... this freakin part is taking up too much of my time and not working..
this is the error number i keep getting...

Blog Id:3154675825454596230
Video Id:ff19b2f79f3695ad

why must you do this blogger....

everytime i try to upload a video, it does this.
and when it does work, it takes like forever to load a video...
this blog has taken up too much of my time and everytime it fails...

Yes to Carl's Jr.

ok the video isnt loading again...
for like the 1000th time.. gosh darnit!!!!!
ok, the setting is, a girl is trying on a bunch of different dress, because her boyfriend is taking her out to a stake dinner. but she doesnt know its from carl's Jr.
i think its pretty funny, in the end, they say, did we forget to mention its carl's jr?
anyways lol...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

good commerical pricy

wow, the most expensive burger, fry, drink combo...
served only in vegas